Alejandro EstradaOpen source enthusiast, creating some GraphQL tools @easygraphql - Co-Organizer at NodeConfCO Sponsorships
Julián DuqueDeveloper and Educator - Engineer at @NodeSource - Co-Organizer at @Colombia_Dev, @JSConfCO, @NodeConfCO, @Suncoastjs, & @MedellinJS - #EStreamerCoders 😈 Finance / Logistics
Alejandra GiraldoCo-Organizer @SheCodesAngular and NodeConfCo Fullstack developer at: @wearebunnyinc - auth0 ambassador Communication / Logistics
Adrián EstradaDeveloper in love with Node.js, thirsty for new technologies, working at @NodeSource - organizer @MedellinJS, @JSConfCO and @NodeConfCO Finances / Content
Jonathan AvendañoCoderiser (@coderiseorg) . Developer. Co-Organizer at @scaleconfco, @mde_devops, @jsconfco& @nodeconfco. Warrior & Weirdo 💛 Logistics / Opportunity
Sebastian VelezJS dev, Open source, Bicycle Downhill rider, Digital nomad - Co-Organizer @NodeConfCO Communication / Content
Hamilton G. Moreno#Developer web🌐 and # Programmer.💻 Passionate about the Design and active tracking of #SoftwareLibre. 🐧 Team Web